What does inquiry look like?

Inquiry is the process initiated by the students or the teacher that moves the students from their current level of understanding to a new and deeper level of understanding.

What Inquiry May Mean

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The Written Curriculum

In the PYP, a balance is sought between acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, development of a conceptual understanding, demonstration of positive attitudes, and taking of responsible action.

In terms of achieving this balance, the essential elements of the written curriculum are emphasized:

  • Knowledge
  • Concepts
  • Skills
  • Action

PYP Essential Elements

The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) provides the knowledge, skills, personal attributes and the capacity to take action, all of which younger students need to equip them for successful lives, both now and in the future.

Learning through inquiry, a child’s investigations across and beyond subject areas will strengthen knowledge and understanding as the explore global, topical and relevant ‘big picture’ questions, or transdisciplinary themes.

The PYP provides an ideal foundation for children to become successful, lifelong learners by developing their:

  • social and emotional well-being
  • independence, as they take responsibility for their learning
  • international mindedness
  • understanding of the world and their ability to function effectively within it
  • attitudes and dispositions for learning
  • ability to take mindful, appropriate and sustainable student-initiated action
  • language skills; all students study an additional language from at least 7 years of age.